Quarantine Ministry


For over a month now, Ukraine has been on a national quarantine.  All non essential buinesses are closed, all public gatherings are banned, all public transportation is closed to non essential workers,  the rules for who is allowed out are getting more strict every week.  The majority of people who we help at God’s Hidden Treasures are in the highest risk group for the COVID-19 virus.

So how can we help people at risk, without putting them at even greater risk of catching this disease?  We have gotten creative at God’s Hidden Treasures.  All documents to receive mobility aids are submitted online and all contact is made by telephone.  Our office is closed during the week to our usual visitors,  however we are still delivering wheelchairs to people who are in urgent need of them.  We are still delivering food packets to poorer families and people who are shut in.  While the Boy’s House orpnagage is closed, we are Skyping with some of the orphans and doing our best to spread joy and hope in this challenging time.  Here is our staff at work during this challenging times.


We ask that you would be praying for all those effected by the pandemic in Ukraine and around the world, but especially the elderly shut-ins who live alone.  This week Lena and I loaded up our car to deliver food packets to elderly shut-ins.  We delivered a food packet to a woman who lives alone, no family to help her, she only gets visits from a social worker a few times a week if she is lucky, and the occasional help from her neighbors.  How do we walk the line of being and encouragement, bringing hope to the lonely without also putting them at unnecessary risk.  If a family member can come down and pick up the food packet they do, if not we will bring it to their door, and try to pray for them while wearing our masks and keeping our distance.

We share the good news, that we are never alone. God is our refuge and strength, our ever present help in times of trouble.  We have a savior in Jesus who knows all our hurts and understands loneliness, and gives us the hope of everlasting life through the cross.

This video I shared a few years back about remembering those who are lonely.  As this crisis has kept people at home, seperated loved ones, please watch and remember, even the smallest acts can bring the biggest joys into people’s lives.

So think about those that you can reach, through whatever means you can.  Share the love of Christ with others.   Please keep God’s Hidden Treasures, especially Tanya and the wheelchair team that bring mobility aids to people’s homes, as well Dr. Tamara and Nurse Olga, who are doing Skype therapy with their patients, and all the people with disabilities and special needs stuck at home, in your prayers.  

We appreciate all your prayers and ask for your continued support so that we can continue to minister to the people of Ukraine hardest hit by this pandemic.

God bless,

God’s Hidden Treasures